North American Tracker (July 13, 2021): Satisfaction with the Health Care System


This survey is conducted in collaboration with the Association for Canadian Studies (ACS) and published in the Canadian Press. 

Satisfaction with the Health Care System

  • Canadians (56%) are more satisfied with the health care system in their province than Americans (47%) are with the health care system in their state.

Canadians (56%) are more satisfied with the health care system in their province than Americans (47%) are with the health care system in their state.

  • In terms of certain elements of the health care system, Canadians and Americans are most satisfied with:
    • The competence of health care professionals (75% of Canadians, 66% of Americans)
    • The quality of care offered (71% of Canadians, 66% of Americans)
    • Access to a family doctor (62% of Canadians, 76% of Americans)
  • Canadians are least satisfied with the wait time in emergency rooms (22% satisfied), while Americans are least satisfied with the cost of medications (37%).
Canadians' and Americans' satisfaction with certain elements
  • 39% of Canadians and 30% of Americans say they have visited the emergency room in the past year, either for themselves or for someone they know.


This web survey was conducted from July 2, 2021 to July 4, 2021 with 1,518 Canadians and 1,003 Americans, 18 years of age or older, randomly recruited from LEO’s online panel.

To view the July 13, 2021 reportCLICK HERE.

In general, are you satisfied with the health care system in your province/state? Why or why not?


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