How do you usually prepare for Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Depending on which member of the LEO team you ask, our Black Friday/Cyber Monday preparation plans are very different. Some of us plan our shopping months in advance; others set out to buy a couple key items and others completely avoid shopping on these days, preferring peace and quiet.
This year, Black Friday is on November 26 and Cyber Monday is on November 29. To help reduce your shopping-induced stress, we’ve prepared a list of 6 ways to prepare for Black Friday and Cyber Monday to give you a hand, no matter your shopping style.
1. Make a Budget
To avoid unnecessary stress before the holidays, we recommend making a budget. Doing so will help you understand exactly how much money you can spend on Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping (while still being able to pay your bills). Many budgeting apps are available online, including YNAB (You Need a Budget), Mint and more. Or, you could simply use a spreadsheet or even a piece of paper.

2. Complete All Your Available LEO Surveys and Redeem Your Points for Rewards
Cashing in on your LEO points ASAP is a great way to make sure you have a few extra dollars in your pocket. We have lots of different rewards available, including PayPal transfers or prepaid Visa cards that you can use to shop, or Starbucks Cards or Uber Eats gift cards that you can use to grab a snack to fuel your shopping. If you prefer to shop in person, the Ivanhoé Cambridge gift card could be a great option.
Check out the LEO Rewards page to see all the available rewards. Don’t wait to cash in, as processing times for each reward may vary (if your reward arrives later than expected, you can always use it for other holiday shopping!).
Not a LEO member yet? Click here to join and start earning rewards today!

3. Consider Buying Local and Shopping Early
If you don’t love the commercialism associated with Black Friday and Cyber Monday, planning to purchase gifts from small businesses is a great way to lend support to an important part of the economy that is still recovering from COVID-19. It’s a great idea to start shopping early, so they (and their small teams) have time to fulfil your orders!

4. Do Your Research to Avoid Getting Duped
When you prepare for Black Friday/Cyber Monday, it’s easy to get sucked into the hype of sales and deep discounts. However, make sure you do your research beforehand and understand how much the items you want to purchase usually cost. Doing so can save you from spending your hard-earned money on things that are labelled as being on sale when in fact, they are close to regular price.

5. Decide on Your Must-Have Items and Prioritize Them
On two of the biggest sale days of the year, making your list and checking it twice can help you prepare to avoid unnecessary spending and getting distracted from picking up what’s most important to you. It can also save you time! If something shiny and new catches your eye, you can always weigh it against your existing list to see how important it really is to you.

6. Bet Your Chances on Our Gift Card Contest
This month, we’re giving LEO members a chance to win 1 of 5 gift cards by betting the chances they’ve earned by completing LEO surveys. Best of all, if you’re a contest winner, you’ll receive the gift card in time for Black Friday! Learn more about this contest in our November contest blog.

Most importantly, don’t forget to take some time to relax after all your shopping is done. 😉
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