It’s just your opinion, but…Discover the LEO promotional campaign!

On March 2, 2020, Leger launched LEO, the mobile app you can use to respond to surveys and share your opinion anywhere, anytime, on any topic. LEO is the largest proprietary panel in Canada, with more than 400,000 members across Canada and the United States.

Using the LEO app, our members can complete surveys faster and more easily, while receiving rewards. In addition, consumers can provide feedback on the products and services offered by companies they deal with.

March 2 also marked the launch of the first-ever LEO promotional campaign in Canada!

“Today, sharing your opinion on social media is easy, and the platforms are very accessible. However, there are some notable drawbacks: it lacks confidentiality, your comments can easily get lost in a sea of other comments, and often, you don’t receive any feedback. This has led to people feeling like their opinion doesn’t matter, hence the slogan ‘It’s just my opinion, but…’ On LEO, our members’ opinions remain confidential, are considered, and truly make a difference,” mentioned Sarah Mottet, Marketing Director at Leger.

The campaign was conceptualized and developed by Leger’s marketing team, and the launch rolled out across Canada on public transit (buses, trains, and train stations), online, and on social media (which included a collaboration with Canadian content creators).


It’s just your opinion, but…it remains confidential.

It’s just your opinion, but…we listen to you.

It’s just your opinion, but…it changes your world.

Content Creators


Trains, Train Stations, and Buses


Web Banners

Articles on Narcity Canada, HuffPost Canada

On Narcity Canada

You Can Earn Rewards For Answering Questions Thanks To This First-Ever Canadian Survey App

This Survey App Will Reward You With These 6 Things for Giving Your Opinion on Your Favourite Canadian Subjects

On HuffPost Canada

5 Ways To Make Your Voice Heard

Article in the Sun Newspapers (Online and Print): Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, and Toronto

Use the new LEO app to share your opinion and get rewarded!

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to download our app by clicking here!



For more information

Sarah Mottet

Marketing Director

514-982-2464 #3186

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